Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

Absolutely magical! As enjoyable as the movie!

Howl's Moving Castle is one of my favorite Miyazaki films so when I found out that there was a book that it originated from, I was super excited and decided to pick it up. Diana Wynne Jones does a great job of making this book exciting and unpredictable. Her characters are quirky in their own ways and have character flaws which makes them all the more endearing. In some ways the book is similar to the movie, but in most ways it's different but not in a bad way!

Howl is just as vain as in the movie, and Sophie just a stubborn, but even more so in the book. They also tend to squabble a lot more in the book which is highly entertaining. We also get to hear more of Howl's record of heart breaking in this book, and the main force of conflict is between Howl and the Witch of the Waste. The King merely seeks his aid in the search for his lost brother Prince Justin, and his court magician Sulliman. (Who is a man!)

This was a fun book, and truly magical. Destined to be a classic for all ages!

5 stars

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